Breezy Breakfast in a Jar
Prep time
Total time
These little breakfast jars are simple to make ahead and last about a week in the fridge. They're an easy grab for a morning that's on the go!
Recipe type: Breakfast
Serves: 1
  • Note: I use glass almond butter jars for this, but you can use canning jars or other glass jars with a lid.
  • 1 cup Greek yogurt (I use plain non-fat)
  • ½ cup frozen or fresh fruit (blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries work well for this because they don't require any prep, but any fruit you can dice will work just fine!)
  • tsp honey (optional)
  • tsp cinnamon (optional)
  • 2 Tbs walnuts (optional)
  • ¼ cup granola or cereal (optional)
  1. Layer the bottom of the jar with half a cup of yogurt
  2. Top the yogurt layer with fruit of your choice
  3. Finish it off with the remaining ½ cup of yogurt
  4. If you're using honey, you can put it on top of the last layer now
  5. If you're using cereal, granola, or cinnamon wait to put those on until the day you are going to consume it or it will get soggy
  6. Enjoy!
Recipe by The Kitchen of Good and Evil at